Source: http://nasional.inilah.com/read/detail/1377622/capres-independen-sulit-terwujud
Pimple is common sense, Care your skin with get rid from pimple. I have many tips to you.
Source: http://nasional.inilah.com/read/detail/1377622/capres-independen-sulit-terwujud
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Moles and warts are quite common and it's easy to remove them. Skin tags create cosmetic problems and insurance companies don't cover such procedure. You need to spend money right from your own pocket if you want to remove these unsightly lesions. Since not all people afford to spend the money in removing the skin tags, moles, or warts, here are some effective home methods of getting rid of them. In the case of skin tags, some say that you can just cut or scrape them off. However, if this is done improperly, it can lead to infection. Make sure that you know what you're doing and that you sterilize the nail clippers or scissors first. Soak the materials in sanitizer or place them over the fire. Before cutting the skin tags, prepare a bandage and cotton just in case there is bleeding. Freezing is an additional way to get rid of skin tags, warts and moles. Previously, this technique was only done by doctors however now you can now buy 'freezing' products at the store. You must follow the instructions to the letter. This only works with small skin tags. The 'freezing' formulas come in kits that are more affordable than being treated by doctors. Another removal method is to block the supply of blood to skin lesions and skin tags. The way to do this is to tie a knot tightly at the base of the skin tag. To be sure to get a tight knot, ask someone else to tie it for you. Don't take the string off for two days. The skin tag will fall off in a few days without the blood supply. These are effective home methods for removing skin tags and even warts or moles. However, you need to be sure that the skin lesions are not malignant. If skin tags, moles or warts have changed in color and size dramatically, schedule an appointment with your doctor. This is the very first sign that indicates malignant skin lesions. If anything goes wrong with the above home methods consult a doctor as well. Safety is very important and if you have second thoughts about carrying out the home methods, it would be best not to do it anymore and instead, consult a doctor. Aside from the home methods mentioned, there are still other home remedies that you can try like applying certain herbs on the affected area. If after all these home methods the skin tags, moles, and warts are not removed, a visit to the doctor is advised. Even though this is costly, you know you are safe. A doctor can guarantee that your skin tag, wart or mole will be gone following the procedure. These outpatient procedures usually only take a short period of time (a couple of hours at most). | ||
the world has been pondering on the beginning and extension of the financial crisis for some years. The USA, however, did know about the crisis before its sharpest phase. That's why it worked out solutions. To fight deflation the FRS is said to use a mathematical model made by Gauti Eggertsson representing the macroeconomic modeling in NY FRB The USA is fighting deflation and trying to confirm the world that soon inflation will rise and that it's better to invest money into a business rather than keeping it in banks. To fight inflation the USA uses the method of Quantitative Easing. Following this policy, the US central bank increases the money supply of the banking system by billions of dollars. And now analysts start thinking if America is able to get rid of hyperinflation. Is US hyperinflation a real risk? In brief, there is no such threat. The FRS now buys assets via a stock market, thus increasing the money supply and decreasing public financial resources. If inflation appears to be above the target, the FRS will sell overpriced assets (we have inflation, don't we?). The FRS will sell the exact amount of assets allowing the banking system to reduce excesses of the money supply. To buy and sell assets in the deflationary economy - which the USA has been known of for already 10 years - the FRS needs a stable stock market. To be honest, only stock markets allow buying and selling something in a large volume. Besides, buying highly marketable goods is not an obligatory procedure capable to increase the money supply. To decrease the money supply, selling something marketable and over-priced in a small amount will be a good measure. Apart from the conspiracy theory, this is the only logical way capable to explain the fact that the first thing to be saved in 2008 was the stock market and also the fact that the stock market recovery is considered to be the first sign of the economic recovery. Then we get a clear view: the FRS deals with the stable stock market in deflation and, without threatening one's fiscal position (see words in bold above), increases the money supply, thus increasing inflationary expectations and intensifying economical growth. All the rest measures, used to get rid of the crisis, are nothing more but patching small and medium-sized holes and firefighting in a rough-and-ready manner. That's why these measures are given away to politicians and reporters. The state needs to live till the time when methods, used by the FRS, take effect. | ||
Clenbuterol is a pill used as a bronchodilator by patients suffering from asthma or other breathing disorders. Aside from the medical use, it is also known among athletes who want to improve their physical shape. Clen sheds the body of excess fat. Sometimes, clen is classified as a steroid that is wrong. Clenbuterol is a pill with beta-2 adrenomimetic properties, actually having similar effects to ephedrine. Clenbuterol allows the consumer to eat large quantities of food without gaining extra pounds, maintaining the intensity of trainings unaltered. To avoid side effects, it is recommended to consume a large quantity of liquids, fruits or potassium supplements. You should begin the treatment with small doses and increase it gradually, mostly because of the effects concerning blood pressure. Clenbuterol is a very widely used drug and has quite a reputation. A good one among athletes and recreational users, and a very bad one among those people who know very little about illegal performance enhancing aids. Its not a steroid. In fact, the only medical use for which Clenbuterol is generally prescribed (and now being less and less prescribed thanks to its illegitimate use) is for obstructions of the air-way. People with chronic breathing disorders like asthma use this as a bronchodilator to make breathing easier. But its only one of the many things that can be achieved with the use of Clenbuterol. Athletes usually take 5-7 tablets, 100-140 mcg per day For women 80-100 mcg/day are usually sufficient, It is important that the athlete begin by taking only one tablet on the first day and then increasing the dosage by one tablet each of the following days until the desired maximum dosage is reached. The compound is usually taken over a period of 8-10 weeks. Since Clenbuterol is not a hormone compound it has no side effects typical of anabolic steroids. For this reason it is also liked by women. If you have decided to buy clenbuterol, you should know that you have a few types to choose from. The product is available as tablets, injections and syrup. It's up to you what type to use. As a bronchodilator, it is not only effective, but it also reduces cardiovascular side effects, compared to medicines of the same kind. It was proved clinically that it shows very high patient compliance. | ||
Are you interested in retaining your youthful appearance? Most people are trying to fight the aging process and maintain their beauty and young appearance. A whole industry has sprung up called anti aging. Anti aging is a broad category targeting all aspects of maintaining your health and beauty. Most people are familiar with cosmetic companies offering a whole range of anti wrinkle creams and ointments. On the other side is cosmetic surgery where your appearance can be changed by skilled doctors. In between is a whole host of other products and services targeting the fight against the aging process. Aging is a complex issue that is just in the beginning of being understood. What is known is that skin is just the superficial layer and the muscles and tissues below the surface need treatment as well. Now, massage chairs are offering massage therapies to help the fight against aging. Aging occurs at many levels within the body. Some are biological and some are environmental. Science is furiously studying the biological causes and at some point may have some breakthroughs. Environmentally aging is influenced by the levels of stress and your commitment to exercise. Stress puts the body on high alert. The body is ready for action with the muscles tense and the major organs prepared to support the body. Exercise or more appropriately the lack of exercise makes the body less able to withstand the forces of nature put upon us. Both of these factors start to show the wear and tear on the body via the skin. We seem to come under stress from everywhere. Some of caused by external factors like our boss. Some of it caused by internal factors like us wanting to achieve something. Both of these causes come from mental stress. We put pressure on ourselves that is the product of our thoughts. As we think these thoughts, our body reacts as if it is under physical stress from harm. The body mobilizes itself to prepare for a fight or to run away. The major organs kick into overdrive and the legs and arms are activated for action. Trouble is we have no physical action. The stress causes chemicals to be released in our bodies, but they are not given a physical release. This can cause higher levels of toxins in the body to build up. If we are out running errands and are running behind what happens? We start to get nervous or stressed. We have all these things to get done and we aren't quite getting there. This builds up stress in our bodies, but we are not releasing them through any physical action. Chemicals and toxins build up in the body. They need to be released. How can we do that? One proven effective method is massage therapy. Not only does massage therapy such as shiatsu or Swedish massage help to release toxins, but it also helps us to relax. Both of these massage techniques are available in the best massage chair brands. What is the relation between the process of stress and anti aging to counter act this process? The major organs support the body to either fight or flight. This mobilizes the feet and hands for action. Reflexology massage is geared to reverse this exact process. The hands and feet have certain points that are related to the major organs via meridian lines. Reflexology massage stimulates these trigger points to calm the major organs and induce relaxation. This helps to reduce the reactions to stress and to help induce whole body relaxation. When we look at the factors of the aging process, understand that they are constant. They just do not stop. Stress is not something that can be turned off. It comes when it comes. Therefore, a real anti aging treatment must be continuous to counteract these factors. Obtaining massage therapy on a regular basis is the type of treatment that helps offset these things. Many of the best massage chairs have very effective massage therapy treatments. These are some of your best tools to slow down the aging process before it hits the skin. Get your anti-aging arsenal working well before it starts to show on the surface. | ||
Hernia is an abnormal protrusion of internal organs through an abnormal opening in the wall of the cavity.A combination of increased pressure inside the body with weakness in the wall is responsible for this condition.In this condition internal organs or parts of organs are protruded out forming a swelling which will increase the size with coughing and lifting weight,and while passing stool and urine.In lying down position the swelling goes inside except in strangulated and irreducible hernia. Causes:- 1, Weakness in the body wall:-- A) Congenital weakness. B) Acquired weakness due to injuries,wasting of muscles,suppurative lesions in the wall and presence of weak natural openings,obesity,lack of exercise,repeated pregnancy. C) Surgical operation with improper suturing or sepsis of operated site. 2) Increased pressure inside the body. a) Chronic constipation. B) Recurrent cough. C) Weight lifting. D) Stricture of urethra. Common sites for hernia:-- Hernia can occure anywhere in the body.However there are some common sites for hernia.Due to the presence of hard bony covering chest wall is normally not affected.Hernia in the lower back is also rare due to spine and back muscles and tough ligaments and sheeths.The common site for hernia is abdominal wall.Compared to other parts the abdominal wall is weak due to the presence of some natural orifices.There are some areas wherein the abdominal muscles are weaker and thin and all these factors make a chance for herniation.The common sites for hernia are following. A) Inguinal hernia: Here the abdominal contents protrude through the inguinal canal (passage in the lower abdominal wall just above the inguinal ligament.It is seen on either side).This type is common in males.Initially the swelling comes only while straining and goes back while lying down. Later the large portion of intestine may come out which may not go back easily. b) Femoral hernia: This type of hernia is more in females.Here the abdominal contents pass through the femoral canal which is seen just below the junction between the thigh and lower abdominal wall(Inside the femoral triangle).The contents pass downwards and comes out through saphenous opening in the thigh and forms a swelling under the skin. C) Umbilical hernia: This is common in children.The umbilicus is the weaker part of the abdomen.The contents of the abdomen may protrude as a bulb like swelling while crying and defecating. D) Incisional hernia: These hernias are seen in operated sites. Due to improper suturing or sepsis the operated site becomes weak resulting in hernia. e) Epigastric hernia: Here the hearniation occures in the epigastrium. It is a rare type. F) Lumbar hernia: Here the hernia appear in the lumbar area on either side of the lumbar spine(in the lumbar triangle).This is also a rare type. G) Obturator hernia: This is a rare type of hernia. Here the contents pass through obturator foramen in the pelvic bone. -------------------------------------------------------- | ||
There are many ways nowadays of keeping one's skin youthful in appearance. Microdermabrasion at home is just one of the many treatments available now. All different tones and colors of skin can benefit from this treatment. Also, the convenience of being able to use this tool in one's residence is a great benefit. Travelling to one's doctor for weekly or monthly treatments can get expensive over time. Traditional cosmetic applications can be invasive an take weeks or months to heal, whereas with this treatment, there is no healing time; one can return immediately to his or her routine. This could be the best benefit of all. Many people have never heard of this treatment before. Well, it is a non-invasive procedure that involves no surgical exposure and yet, many times, can give the same type of results. It can be done most anywhere; for instance, one can opt to have it done at his or her physician's office, or he or she can do it in their own house. This is perhaps one of the most intriguing benefits of this system. Its all-around convenience and consumer satisfaction are great. This treatment can help one's skin develop a more youthful tone and glow, while helping to minimize effects of scarring, lines, and the appearance of large pores. One who already has great skin can still benefit by way of keeping his or her skin great. This can become a part of his or her weekly beauty regimen. This will help keep his or her skin glowing for years to come. If one is looking for ways to rejuvenate his or her appearance, microdermabrasion at home may be the answer. These are quite effective at giving one surgical results without surgery. All skin tones and types can benefit from the use of this tool. Researching the best systems can be done online or by speaking with one's physician about the best systems on the market today. | ||
f you're in agony from an intolerable buzz in your head, it is most likely a condition commonly called tinnitus. Tinnitus is not a life-threatening affliction, but from time to time, it is a bad omen for life-threatening illness. The name "tinnitus" is Latin for "to ring", and ring it does...all day, every day. The odd thing about tinnitus is that over fifty million individuals are bothered by this problem, and it's such a complicated illness, that scientists have not yet found a complete remedy for it. The great news is that, although there isn't a cure, there is a tinnitus treatment for you that's just waiting to be discovered. The main thing that you need to become aware of is that there are certain things that'll make the noise to flare up, and there are also preventative steps you can take to stop these loud outbursts. It is very essential to become aware of things that may intensify the unbearable ringing and figure out how to evade it. For example, let us say that your tinnitus worsens when you are subjected to loud noises. If you carry a set of ear plugs with you, you will be able to limit the amount of noise that actually enters your ear, thus stopping the tinnitus from unleashing it's unbearable bells of fury. Ridding yourself of tinnitus is the main objective once you have noticed the condition. Locating a tinnitus treatment that will work for you is easy. Coming across a tinnitus treatment could prove challenging, however it's crucial if you're wanting to diminish the noise inside your ear. It might take a bit of effort and experimenting to get it right, but at the end of the day it will be well worth it. Tinnitus outbreaks may come about without any notice, however by learning methods to manage your tinnitus, you can live a happier and healthier lifestyle. Ringing in the ears, if left without treatment, may cause a sufferer to miss out on sleep and that may impair daily activities. | ||
Low back pain is a usual symptom amoung the modern civilised people.It affects mainly the middle aged and young adults of both sexes.People who work on the chair with out exercise and those who carry heavy loads regularly are prone to get this complaint.We can hardly find a person who has not suffered from back pain atleast once in life.The causes of low backpain ranges from simple reasons like muscular strain to cancer of spine and hence backache should not be ignored.The pain is felt in lumbar and sacral region and may radiate to nearby sites. The following are some causes for backache. 1) Backache due to diseases in the back. 2) Backache due to gynaecological problems. 3) Backache due to problems in other parts of the body. 1) Backache due to diseases in the back:-- a) Injuries :- 1) Compression fracture of the vertebral column. 2) Rupture of intervertebral discs. 3) Injuries to ligaments and muscles of back. 4) Lumbosacral strain. 5) Intervertebral joint injuries. 6) Fracture of processes of vertebra. B) Functional backache due to imbalance:- 1) During pregnancy. 2) Pot belly. 3) Diseases of the hip joint. 4) Curvature in the spine due to congenital defect. 5) Short leg in one side. c) Backache due to inflammatory conditions:- 1) Infection of the bone due to bacteria. 2) Tuberculosis of the spine. 3) Arthritis. 4) Brucellosis. 5) Lumbago or fibrositis. 6) Inflamation of the muscles. 7) Anchylosing spondylitis. D) Backache due to degenerative diseases in the back. 1) Osteoarthritis. 2) Osteoporosis in old people. 3) Degenaration of the intervertebral disc. E) Tumour in the spine:-- 1) Primory tumour of the bones in the spine. 2) Metastatic tumours from other sites like prostate,lungs,kidneys,intestine ect. 2) Backache due to gynaecological problems:- a) After childbirth. b) After gynaecological operations. c) Prolapse of the uterus. d) Pelvic inflammatory diseases. e) Cancerous lesions of the pelvic organs. f) Endometriosis. 3) Backache due to problems in other parts of the body. a) Renal stones. b) Ureteric stone. c) Cancer of prostate. d) Pancreatitis. e) Biliary stones. f) Peptic ulcer. g) Inflammations of pelvic organs. h) Occlusion of aorta and illiac arteries. Investigation of a case of backache:- 1) Complete blood count. 2) Routine urine examination. 3) Ultrasonography of the abdomen and pelvis. 4) X-ray of the lumbar and sacral region. 5) MRI of the spine. 5) CT scan of abdomen and pelvic region. 6) Examination of rectum,prostate,genito urinary organs. Treatment of back ache:- 1) Removing the cause for backache. 2) Symptomatic treatement. 2) Back exercises. 3) Traction. 3) Yoga. 5) Surgery. 7) Homoeopathy. | ||
Alcohol has no food value and is exceedingly limited in its action as a remedial agent. Dr. Henry Monroe says, "every kind of substance employed by man as food consists of sugar, starch, oil and glutinous matter mingled together in various proportions. These are designed for the support of the animal frame. The glutinous principles of food fibrine, albumen and casein are employed to build up the structure while the oil, starch and sugar are chiefly used to generate heat in the body". Now it is clear that if alcohol is a food, it will be found to contain one or more of these substances. There must be in it either the nitrogenous elements found chiefly in meats, eggs, milk, vegetables and seeds, out of which animal tissue is built and waste repaired or the carbonaceous elements found in fat, starch and sugar, in the consumption of which heat and force are evolved. "The distinctness of these groups of foods," says Dr. Hunt, "and their relations to the tissue-producing and heat-evolving capacities of man, are so definite and so confirmed by experiments on animals and by manifold tests of scientific, physiological and clinical experience, that no attempt to discard the classification has prevailed. To draw so straight a line of demarcation as to limit the one entirely to tissue or cell production and the other to heat and force production through ordinary combustion and to deny any power of interchangeability under special demands or amid defective supply of one variety is, indeed, untenable. This does not in the least invalidate the fact that we are able to use these as ascertained landmarks". How these substances when taken into the body, are assimilated and how they generate force, are well known to the chemist and physiologist, who is able, in the light of well-ascertained laws, to determine whether alcohol does or does not possess a food value. For years, the ablest men in the medical profession have given this subject the most careful study, and have subjected alcohol to every known test and experiment, and the result is that it has been, by common consent, excluded from the class of tissue-building foods. "We have never," says Dr. Hunt, "seen but a single suggestion that it could so act, and this a promiscuous guess. One writer (Hammond) thinks it possible that it may 'somehow' enter into combination with the products of decay in tissues, and 'under certain circumstances might yield their nitrogen to the construction of new tissues.' No parallel in organic chemistry, nor any evidence in animal chemistry, can be found to surround this guess with the areola of a possible hypothesis". Dr. Richardson says: "Alcohol contains no nitrogen; it has none of the qualities of structure-building foods; it is incapable of being transformed into any of them; it is, therefore, not a food in any sense of its being a constructive agent in building up the body." Dr. W.B. Carpenter says: "Alcohol cannot supply anything which is essential to the true nutrition of the tissues." Dr. Liebig says: "Beer, wine, spirits, etc., furnish no element capable of entering into the composition of the blood, muscular fibre, or any part which is the seat of the principle of life." Dr. Hammond, in his Tribune Lectures, in which he advocates the use of alcohol in certain cases, says: "It is not demonstrable that alcohol undergoes conversion into tissue." Cameron, in his Manuel of Hygiene, says: "There is nothing in alcohol with which any part of the body can be nourished." Dr. E. Smith, F.R.S., says: "Alcohol is not a true food. It interferes with alimentation." Dr. T.K. Chambers says: "It is clear that we must cease to regard alcohol, as in any sense, a food". "Not detecting in this substance," says Dr. Hunt, "any tissue-making ingredients, nor in its breaking up any combinations, such as we are able to trace in the cell foods, nor any evidence either in the experience of physiologists or the trials of alimentarians, it is not wonderful that in it we should find neither the expectancy nor the realization of constructive power." Not finding in alcohol anything out of which the body can be built up or its waste supplied, it is next to be examined as to its heat-producing quality. Production of heat. ------------------ "The first usual test for a force-producing food," says Dr. Hunt, "and that to which other foods of that class respond, is the production of heat in the combination of oxygen therewith. This heat means vital force, and is, in no small degree, a measure of the comparative value of the so-called respiratory foods. If we examine the fats, the starches and the sugars, we can trace and estimate the processes by which they evolve heat and are changed into vital force, and can weigh the capacities of different foods. We find that the consumption of carbon by union with oxygen is the law, that heat is the product, and that the legitimate result is force, while the result of the union of the hydrogen of the foods with oxygen is water. If alcohol comes at all under this class of foods, we rightly expect to find some of the evidences which attach to the hydrocarbons." What, then, is the result of experiments in this direction? They have been conducted through long periods and with the greatest care, by men of the highest attainments in chemistry and physiology, and the result is given in these few words, by Dr. H.R. Wood, Jr., in his Materia Medica. "No one has been able to detect in the blood any of the ordinary results of its oxidation." That is, no one has been able to find that alcohol has undergone combustion, like fat, or starch, or sugar, and so given heat to the body. Alcohol and reduction of temperature. ------------------------------------ instead of increasing it; and it has even been used in fevers as an anti-pyretic. So uniform has been the testimony of physicians in Europe and America as to the cooling effects of alcohol, that Dr. Wood says, in his Materia Medica, "that it does not seem worth while to occupy space with a discussion of the subject." Liebermeister, one of the most learned contributors to Zeimssen's Cyclopaedia of the Practice of Medicine, 1875, says: "I long since convinced myself, by direct experiments, that alcohol, even in comparatively large doses, does not elevate the temperature of the body in either well or sick people." So well had this become known to Arctic voyagers, that, even before physiologists had demonstrated the fact that alcohol reduced, instead of increasing, the temperature of the body, they had learned that spirits lessened their power to withstand extreme cold. "In the Northern regions," says Edward Smith, "it was proved that the entire exclusion of spirits was necessary, in order to retain heat under these unfavorable conditions." Alcohol does not make you strong. -------------------------------- If alcohol does not contain tissue-building material, nor give heat to the body, it cannot possibly add to its strength. "Every kind of power an animal can generate," says Dr. G. Budd, F.R.S., "the mechanical power of the muscles, the chemical (or digestive) power of the stomach, the intellectual power of the brain accumulates through the nutrition of the organ on which it depends." Dr. F.R. Lees, of Edinburgh, after discussing the question, and educing evidence, remarks: "From the very nature of things, it will now be seen how impossible it is that alcohol can be strengthening food of either kind. Since it cannot become a part of the body, it cannot consequently contribute to its cohesive, organic strength, or fixed power; and, since it comes out of the body just as it went in, it cannot, by its decomposition, generate heat force." Sir Benjamin Brodie says: "Stimulants do not create nervous power; they merely enable you, as it were, to use up that which is left, and then they leave you more in need of rest than before." Baron Liebig, so far back as 1843, in his "Animal Chemistry," pointed out the fallacy of alcohol generating power. He says: "The circulation will appear accelerated at the expense of the force available for voluntary motion, but without the production of a greater amount of mechanical force." In his later "Letters," he again says: "Wine is quite superfluous to man, it is constantly followed by the expenditure of power" whereas, the real function of food is to give power. He adds: "These drinks promote the change of matter in the body, and are, consequently, attended by an inward loss of power, which ceases to be productive, because it is not employed in overcoming outward difficulties i.e., in working." In other words, this great chemist asserts that alcohol abstracts the power of the system from doing useful work in the field or workshop, in order to cleanse the house from the defilement of alcohol itself. The late Dr. W. Brinton, Physician to St. Thomas', in his great work on Dietetics, says: "Careful observation leaves little doubt that a moderate dose of beer or wine would, in most cases, at once diminish the maximum weight which a healthy person could lift. Mental acuteness, accuracy of perception and delicacy of the senses are all so far opposed by alcohol, as that the maximum efforts of each are incompatible with the ingestion of any moderate quantity of fermented liquid. A single glass will often suffice to take the edge off both mind and body, and to reduce their capacity to something below their perfection of work." Dr. F.R. Lees, F.S.A., writing on the subject of alcohol as a food, makes the following quotation from an essay on "Stimulating Drinks," published by Dr. H.R. Madden, as long ago as 1847: "Alcohol is not the natural stimulus to any of our organs, and hence, functions performed in consequence of its application, tend to debilitate the organ acted upon. Alcohol is incapable of being assimilated or converted into any organic proximate principle, and hence, cannot be considered nutritious. The strength experienced after the use of alcohol is not new strength added to the system, but is manifested by calling into exercise the nervous energy pre-existing. The ultimate exhausting effects of alcohol, owing to its stimulant properties, produce an unnatural susceptibility to morbid action in all the organs, and this, with the plethora superinduced, becomes a fertile source of disease. A person who habitually exerts himself to such an extent as to require the daily use of stimulants to ward off exhaustion, may be compared to a machine working under high pressure. He will become much more obnoxious to the causes of disease, and will certainly break down sooner than he would have done under more favorable circumstances. The more frequently alcohol is had recourse to for the purpose of overcoming feelings of debility, the more it will be required, and by constant repetition a period is at length reached when it cannot be foregone, unless reaction is simultaneously brought about by a temporary total change of the habits of life. Driven to the wall. ------------------ Not finding that alcohol possesses any direct alimentary value, the medical advocates of its use have been driven to the assumption that it is a kind of secondary food, in that it has the power to delay the metamorphosis of tissue. "By the metamorphosis of tissue is meant," says Dr. Hunt, "that change which is constantly going on in the system which involves a constant disintegration of material; a breaking up and avoiding of that which is no longer aliment, making room for that new supply which is to sustain life." Another medical writer, in referring to this metamorphosis, says: "The importance of this process to the maintenance of life is readily shown by the injurious effects which follow upon its disturbance. If the discharge of the excrementitious substances be in any way impeded or suspended, these substances accumulate either in the blood or tissues, or both. In consequence of this retention and accumulation they become poisonous, and rapidly produce a derangement of the vital functions. Their influence is principally exerted upon the nervous system, through which they produce most frequent irritability, disturbance of the special senses, delirium, insensibility, coma, and finally, death." "This description," remarks Dr. Hunt, "seems almost intended for alcohol." He then says: "To claim alcohol as a food because it delays the metamorphosis of tissue, is to claim that it in some way suspends the normal conduct of the laws of assimilation and nutrition, of waste and repair. A leading advocate of alcohol (Hammond) thus illustrates it: 'Alcohol retards the destruction of the tissues. By this destruction, force is generated, muscles contract, thoughts are developed, organs secrete and excrete.' In other words, alcohol interferes with all these. No wonder the author 'is not clear' how it does this, and we are not clear how such delayed metamorphosis recuperates. Not an originator of vital force. -------------------------------- which is not known to have any of the usual power of foods, and use it on the double assumption that it delays metamorphosis of tissue, and that such delay is conservative of health, is to pass outside of the bounds of science into the land of remote possibilities, and confer the title of adjuster upon an agent whose agency is itself doubtful. Having failed to identify alcohol as a nitrogenous or non-nitrogenous food, not having found it amenable to any of the evidences by which the food-force of aliments is generally measured, it will not do for us to talk of benefit by delay of regressive metamorphosis unless such process is accompanied with something evidential of the fact something scientifically descriptive of its mode of accomplishment in the case at hand, and unless it is shown to be practically desirable for alimentation. There can be no doubt that alcohol does cause defects in the processes of elimination which are natural to the healthy body and which even in disease are often conservative of health. | ||
Action on the stomach. ---------------------- The action of alcohol on the stomach is extremely dangerous that it becomes unable to produce the natural digestive fluid in sufficient quantity and also fails to absorb the food which it may imperfectly digest. A condition marked by the sense of nausea emptiness, prostration and distention will always be faced by an alcoholic. This results in a loathing for food and is teased with a craving for more drink. Thus there is engendered a permanent disorder which is called dyspepsia. The disastrous forms of confirmed indigestion originate by this practice. How the liver gets affected. ---------------------------- The organic deteriorations caused by the continued use of alcohol are often of a fatal character. The organ which most frequently undergoes structural changes from alcohol, is the liver. Normally, the liver has the capacity to hold active substances in its cellular parts. In instances of poisoning by various poisonous compounds, we analyse liver as if it were the central depot of the foreign matter. It is practically the same in respect to alcohol. The liver of an alcoholic is never free from the influence of alcohol and it is too often saturated with it. The minute membranous or capsular structure of the liver gets affected, preventing proper dialysis and free secretion. The liver becomes large due to the dilatation of its vessels, the surcharge of fluid matter and the thickening of tissue. This follows contraction of membrane and shrinking of the whole organ in its cellular parts. Then the lower parts of the alcoholic becomes dropsical owing to the obstruction offered to the returning blood by the veins. The structure of the liver may be charged with fatty cells and undergo what is technically designated 'fatty liver'. How the Kidneys deteriorate. ---------------------------- The Kidneys also suffer due to the excessive consumption of alcohol. The vessels of Kidneys lose elasticity and power of contraction. The minute structures in them go through fatty modification. Albumin from the blood easily passes through their membranes. This results in the body losing its power as if it were being run out of blood gradually. Congestion of the lungs. ------------------------ Alcohol relaxes the vessels of the lungs easily as they are most exposed to the fluctuations of heat and cold. When subjected to the effects of a rapid variation in atmospheric temperature, they get readily congested. During severe winter seasons, the suddenly fatal congestions of lungs easily affects an alcoholic. Alcohol weakens the heart. -------------------------- Consumption of alcohol greatly affects the heart. The quality of the membraneous structures which cover and line the heart changes and are thickened, become cartilaginous or calcareous. Then the valves lose their suppleness and what is termed valvular disorder becomes permanent. The structure of the the coats of the great blood-vessel leading from the heart share in the same changes of structure so that the vessel loses its elasticity and its power to feed the heart by the recoil from its distention, after the heart, by its stroke, has filled it with blood. Again, the muscular structure of the heart fails owing to degenerative changes in its tissue. The elements of the muscular fibre are replaced by fatty cells or, if not so replaced, are themselves transferred into a modified muscular texture in which the power of contraction is greatly reduced. Those who suffer from these organic deteriorations of the central and governing organ of the circulation of the blood learn the fact so insidiously, it hardly breaks upon them until the mischief is far advanced. They are conscious of a central failure of power from slight causes such as overexertion, trouble, broken rest or too long abstinence from food. They feel what they call a 'sinking' but they know that wine or some other stimulant will at once relieve the sensation. Thus they seek to relieve it until at last they discover that the remedy fails. The jaded, overworked, faithful heart will bear no more. It has run its course and the governor of the blood-streams broken. The current either overflows into the tissues gradually damming up the courses or under some slight shock or excess of motion ceases wholly at the centre. | ||